Keep Your Pool Cool And Clear With The Right Summer Maintenance

Summer will soon be upon us here in Las Vegas and during this time of year, your pool can provide a great level of relief. When the temperature rises, take a dip or dive and refresh your body and your mind. Enjoy a chilled workout before you start your day or let your troubles melt away in the evening. Of course, for you to be able to do this, you need to make sure that your pool is well maintained.

Let’s look at some of the most important steps to take here to ensure that your pool is always a picture perfect paradise through the hottest season of the year.

Keep It Filtered

You need to make sure that the skimmer baskets, the pump basket and of course the filter are all kept free from debris. This can quickly build up so it’s important to keep an eye on it, particularly if your pool is not underneath cover. Check that your filter is operating the right way and backwash your filter or clean it regularly. By doing this, you can make sure that your water is clean and clear whenever the temperature rises in Las Vegas.

Keep Water Circulating

You do need to make sure that your pump is operating effectively as well. Ideally, your pump should be circulating the water for between eight and twelve hours every day. For some pool designs, this could be significantly more or less. However, it’s always crucial water circulates to keep it clear. Do you have a salt system? If so, you might need to keep it running for significantly longer. The salt system won’t work unless the pump is operating.

Check The Chemistry

You do need to make sure that you are checking and testing the water about once a week. This is to make sure that the water is free from algae and bacteria. You can even take a sample of your water and bring it to a business for testing. Once the water has been tested, you’ll know whether chemicals such as chlorine or cyanuric acid need to be added. Be aware that the different levels can change rapidly in Las Vegas during hotter times throughout the year. As such, it’s important to be thorough and keep an eye on these levels to keep your pool in the best condition.

Brush It Regularly

Algae and bacteria are far more likely to grow in your pool during the hottest season of the year. This will make your pool unpleasant and unhygienic for you and your family to use. When you’re brushing areas, pay particular attention to spots that do not see a high level of circulation. This includes areas like the steps, corners or benches in the water.

Need Help?

If you’re struggling to complete all these jobs, then you may want to use the best pool cleaners in Las Vegas. Nationwide Pool service in Las Vegas can help ensure that through the summer season your pool is in the best condition and well maintained for you and your family.


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