How Often Should You Clean Your Pool Filters?
Your pool filters are what make your swimming pool shiny and clean, which is why you always want them functioning at their best. Part of the maintenance process involves cleaning your pool cartridges regularly, which can help remove dirt, gunk, and other general debris that might be clogging up your cartridge and keeping it from performing at its best. If you've noticed a decline in your pool's water quality, it's a likely sign that it's time to clean those filters out! Another way to know it's time to clean out your cartridges is if the PSI on your pool is higher than 8 during normal functioning procedures - this number shows that things are starting to build up, and that action needs to be taken soon. Cleaning Your Pool Cartridges The first step of cleaning your cartridges out involves identifying them. If you're new to pool maintenance, then just consult either an owner's manual or a professional for more information. Once identified, cleaning...